No outfit's complete without its handbag complement, and if you're like us, there's really no way we could live sans our trusty arm-candy sidekicks. There's got to be some deeper meaning to why we gravitate toward and carry the bags we do — and there is. Thus, we're going to get to the bottom of our bag lady tendencies once and for all. From the silhouettes that best define your fashion identity to which celebrity style icons' bag sensibility you relate to most, it's time to unravel the mystery of "what your bag says about you." Maybe you seek classic pieces to highlight your timeless style-setter MO, perhaps you find bag nirvana in edgier wares from the likes of Alexander Wang and Balenciaga, maybe it's an affinity to ultrafeminine accents that keeps you coming back for girlier chain-strap shoulder bag iterations, or maybe it's a cool combination of all of the above. For a closer look at what your bag says about you, click through for our ultimate breakdown now.